Sunday, 18 October 2009

Laptops, Netbooks and iPods

Well its been a bit of time but here's my tech update
  1. the iPod is working again - and I love having all that music and video and audiobooks at my control again. 'Fraid the phone (yes the imate 8502) is not up to the job of being more than the most basic Nano.... so 60GB of stuff to keep me occupied on the bus!
  2. the laptop - last heard of in March is definitely defunct in the video card department and too expensive to repair - so the drive is doing duty as a backup device and the rest - well is available for spares somewhere!
  3. Netbook - my faithful Advent is doing very well thank you as main PC, linked to a mouse, keyboard and LCD monitor its a slow but steady workhorse for SL, WOW, all my web and wordprocessing needs - I love it dearly!
  4. Phone - that damn imate - its a tough wee thing - and pretty good for the basics; camera = OK, docs and email handling = exceelent actually, games = fab, Video = yeahhh if I find a small enough file; it even deals with the Audiable software pretty well; but its got such a tiny memory 2GB just won't cut it anymore!

I would still like to give the Touch a go - lol or better yet an iPhone. Que sera sera!

Swine Flu - H1N1

Just a quick entry to say I have been inoculated - TYVM Eastern Health! Now they warn you about side effects and all that - but is that not just feeding my hypochondria - now I have an aching arm, tight chest and various aches coming to the fore (but TBH I had the chest pain this morning - possibly based on all the call us before you have a heart attack ads!).

BTW - did you know this is a similar virus to the one in 1918 that wiped out more people than the First World War? erm I could recollect that incorrectly - but it makes an appearance in Bill Bryson's 'A complete History of Nearly Everything' a book I love to listen to!

A different View

For Second Life that is.....

Well first - Hungry Beast had a section about Second Lives featuring Gary H, based on finding work in SL. Good luck with that one - if only a Linden were worth a Dollar! erm well perhaps not as I would be poor in SL too.

And the good news is there is a new viewer (well new to me) out there. The Emerald viewer for SL. It has boob movement for the boys and an intergral AO for us techies - which means a free HUD slot (woot!). So far so good. My fav addition so far is the 'TP to this location' button on the start-up screen though. How many times has a great looking location flicked up on that log in page and I wonder 'where's that; I would love to visit' - well now I can! TY Emerald.
Emerald Viewer